About Us
The 1:1 Diet, originally known as The Cambridge Diet, was launched in the UK in 1984 and has helped thousands of people worldwide lose weight and live healthier, happier lives.
Developed, tested and validated by expert nutritionists and researchers.
Your body gets all the nutrients it needs and uses its fat stores for energy. And because the diet is high protein, you don’t lose muscle mass or have cravings.
Where it all began
Cambridge Weight Plan goes way back. We can trace its roots back to the 60s, when biochemist Dr Alan Howard started to research the perfect diet. Since 1984, when The Cambridge Diet became commercial in the UK, thousands of people from all over the world have used our help, support, and products.
We’d like to think that the dieter’s experience of Cambridge Weight Plan is a bit like having a friend by their side. But not like a nagging friend. More like a really supportive, knowledgeable, wise, and experienced friend cheering them on.
The plan was recently renamed The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan because we’ve always been about one-to-one. Our biggest asset has always been one-to-one relationships, whether that’s between a dieter and their consultant or between a consultant and their team. Our brand is built on these relationships and we wouldn’t want it any other way.