My weight loss journey with The 1:1 diet started 2 years ago after I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis. I had been overweight for 19 years of my life, resulting in reproductive issues. After I got married, I had issues conceiving, but went on to have two miracles. After having my children, I struggled even more and got heavier and heavier and was also at risk of becoming diabetic. I tried many different diets but could never maintain the weight loss. I had given up trying. My attitude and mindset were that it was all too hard.
Fast forward to 2 years ago when I had started getting excruciating pain with my periods and was diagnosed with endometriosis. As I didn’t want to be on hormones to support me for years, I had asked my doctor what else I could do, and she said to lose weight. I was introduced to Niki through a lady from church, who had noticeable results and hence started my own 1:1 Diet weight loss journey. I’m not going to say that it was easy to start with, but it was most definitely worth it. Niki and The 1:1 Diet helped me lose the weight and get healthy (against some odds) as the endo proved to be quite a persistent hurdle at times. I was grateful for Niki’s support, for the accountability, the encouragement, the fact that she never gave up and was always very positive, even when it seemed that the scales would never go lower! The Plan is definitely a holistic program! We got through it and just before I was due to have my hysterectomy, I was just shy of my goal weight and was extremely happy with what I (we) had achieved.
Now some months on, I am maintaining my weight and super thankful for the absolute turn around in my physical and mental health, thankful that I will always have The 1:1 Diet as a part of my life forever AND thankful that I’m even enjoying working out as well now!