My weight loss journey has been years of feeling self-conscious and not good enough. It has affected my relationships with people and the decisions I have made and most importantly my relationship with myself. This has impeded my life negatively. I hit rock bottom, crying daily with no job and utterly depressed and I realized something had to change because I no longer wanted to live the way I was living. Hitting early menopause was creating havoc in my life, how I felt about myself and my body, I felt completely out of control.
The 1:1 Diet put structure and routine in my life, It gave me back the feeling of control something that hadn’t been there for such a long time. Having the consistency and the weekly visits with my consultant made me believe for the first time, I could change and reach my goal! Even battling with menopause, I eventually saw the results and the magic started to happen! I feel I have control back in my life and I can feel confident about myself once more with a feeling of positivity moving forward.
I started on The 1:1 Diet and never looked back. I lost weight steadily and each week I slowly saw myself coming back to life. I had the confidence to look for another job and was successful! Everyone around me was amazed (most of all myself) by my new confidence and changing shape. I feel like I have been given another chance at life. I love exercising again and most of all enjoying life. So nice to try on clothes and feel fabulous.
I had my levels checked at Drs and I am the healthiest I have been. My husband was dubious at first for me to use these meal replacements, but after 3 months of using the products and I got my blood tests back from the doctors with everything perfect, all my levels back to normal, my husband has now come around to seeing the health benefits of me using these products. I would recommend this plan as it gives you support from your consultant with weekly weigh-ins, plus advice at the end of a phone, but with such a huge range of delicious products to choose from. It makes the process of losing weight so much easier and it has given me back my love of life.