Beth Woodward

Weight Loss:







Claire Gethin



My Story

In 2023, I needed to make a big change. I was significantly overweight and the knowledge I could be a better version of myself was making me unhappy. The past three years had blessed me with two beautiful girls, but I had gained weight. I lost my Mum in 2020 when my first daughter was a newborn, right before the pandemic hit and I was separated from family in the U.K. This directly impacted both my physical and mental health. The postpartum period with both of my girls had been incredibly stressful and the catalyst for change came from a low place. I knew I needed to look after myself for them and prioritise my health. With so much weight to lose, I felt overwhelmed but the simplicity of The 1:1 Diet appealed to me. It brought much needed structure and routine into my life, and I loved the products! I instantly felt like I had more energy and started seeing immediate results. The benefits kept me focussed and I never felt like I was missing out.

The 1:1 support from my Consultant Claire has truly been special and meant so much to me. It has felt amazing to have somebody cheering me on and celebrating the wins with me, especially at a time when I struggled to believe in myself. I am now working my way up the Steps and can’t believe the change in myself from the beginning of the year. I have so much more energy to keep up with the girls and I am more present as a result. I also have so much more confidence to pursue my interests and have started running again. I am prioritising self-care in all aspects of my life which has had a huge impact on my self-worth. I don’t hold myself back anymore and have gained a new perspective on life. I rarely think about my weight and have a new sense of freedom. I am so excited for all the adventures we will have as a family. The 1:1 Diet has been the catalyst for so much positive change in my life and I am very grateful.

Fancy giving it a go?

Choose your personal diet Consultant for a big scoop of support while you lose that weight.

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