Paul Kirk

Glenfield Park, NSW

Get to know Paul Kirk

Contact Details

Glenfield Park, NSW


*By Appointment


Works from home
Virtual Consultant

My Story

Hi, my name is Paul and I’m from Wagga Wagga.

I love a good time and over the years I found myself packing on the kilos and knew I was in trouble when my doctor advised me I was approaching diabetes. I am in my early 50’s, on blood pressure tablets and knew I was a prime candidate for a stroke or a heart attack. I needed to change my lifestyle.

Late September 2021, I was watching Sunrise and come across a guy called Steve from Canberra who had done just that with the help of The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan. I knew then it was possible to lose the weight and become healthy and it was up to me to make that initial call. As there were no Consultants near me, all my appointments were done via remote consulting which still kept me motivated & accountable. I loved the products & how well the Plan worked!

I have since dropped a substantial amount of weight and am well on my way to achieving my goal! It is a great feeling to fit into old & smaller clothes and also feel younger in myself. This is why I have become a Consultant to help others make the decision to start the journey to a healthier and happier life.

I am on this journey, so join me and we will do this together, because I know first hand that it can be done!

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