Nichola Votta

Busselton, WA

Get to know Nichola Votta

Contact Details

Busselton, WA


*Monday to Saturday, weekend & after hour appointments available


Works from home
Works from centre
Virtual Consultant
Mobile Consultant
Spotlight of the Year Award

My Story

Wow, where do I start?

Let me introduce myself. My name is Nichola, I am a busy Wife and Mum of 6 children – all grown up I might add! (3 of which are mine and 3 stepchildren). I would like to share with you my story as to how I became a weight loss consultant with The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan.

Let us rewind the clock back to 2019…
Although its hard to remember now how life was pre Covid, I am going to take you back to the first lockdown here in Perth which was around Easter time. Like many others, my husband and I ‘chowed down’ and ‘drank’ our way through that period…. YEP…. that old chestnut you say! I know, I know, everyone has gotten on the “blame the Covid” band wagon, but for us that was a turning point, or shall I say a downward slide to finding myself 20kgs overweight 2 years later. Whilst others turned to online exercise groups and walking to cope through the days, I developed an amazing wealth of knowledge of good wine and cheese, and although our lock down did not last for very long, it was a very quick decline to which led to some unhealthy habits forming!

As I continued these bad habits, I knew that I was not living my best life, but I could not seem to control myself. My clothes were getting tighter and tighter, my body and joints were aching from the extra Kg’s, and I could feel myself slipping into misery. Every time we were asked to go out, I would be in a panic thinking…what was I going to wear! My clothes were tight and uncomfortable, and I would kid myself that I could fit into them by threading a hair lacky through the buttonhole onto the button of my jeans, so it gave me more waist room, but then my jeans got to the point where that trick didn’t work any more and I just bought the next size up in fact two sizes up!

I felt horrible! And I felt angry with myself. Angry that I had done this to myself…. YET…. I continued down the path of destruction. And do you know what? I would drink my wine, eat my delicious dip and bickies and kid myself that I was not that overweight – while I was sitting in my comfy black Trackie Pants and the one jumper that fitted me. I would go to bed at night thinking “I’ll start tomorrow”!

I knew I had to make changes, so I started researching.

My friend, Michelle Farrall whom I had known for over 20 years, was a weight loss consultant with The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan and I knew she had lost 20kgs herself and kept it off for years. I had seen her success stories in magazines and in real life, so I reached out to her. By this stage I was at my lowest and was desperate to get back to my former healthy self, so I made an appointment to see her and let us just say the rest is history!

I started my weight loss journey October 2021 and by Christmas that year I had lost most of my weight and was feeling fantastic. I cannot tell you how good it was to wear a nice dress and feel confidant and happy on Christmas day. I found the diet plan easy to follow, I found the food great, easy to prepare, and it was good to know what I had to eat for each meal. It was just so EASY!

The weight fell off each week especially in the beginning which was very motivating, and it gave me the confidence to get back into the things that I loved doing pre covid, like walking and going to the beach. I am proud of my achievement, and whilst I am still a work in progress, I too would like to help all the men and women out there, who like me, have that fit and healthy person just dying to get out but are struggling to start.

Let us do it together. I hope that by sharing my story with you will encourage you to make that start!

Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and happy feels!

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