Melinda Ricciuti

Koo Wee Rup VIC

Get to know Melinda Ricciuti

Contact Details

Koo Wee Rup VIC


By Appointment


Works from home
Virtual Consultant

My Story

Like most people, I too have always struggled with trying to lose weight and tried every diet out there. I always started off motivated and ended up giving up. Food has always been my comfort, I always ate healthy but the weight never came off.
Coming from a European family, food is always been the centre of every family function, especially homemade and lots of it too.
I’ve always struggled with my weight throughout my adult years and as the years have gone, it seems to get harder and harder.
Being a sole parent to my two children, my whole focus was on them, so my health was always put aside due to never having time to myself.
Like most of us in 2020, I was stood down from my job which meant I was home more. Which also meant I was home schooling both my children. This meant that the weight crept up on me. My energy levels were non existent, my motivation was lost and I was constantly exhausted.
My motivation to start the 1:1 Diet, was I was tired of being so exhausted all day, every day, and wanted my energy back. My clothes didn’t fit anymore and I was upset that the scales were going up. I got to the point I was at my heaviest I’d ever been.
So my journey began, I have now found my energy and the weight is coming off. I’m still on my journey to lose more weight, but I’m feeling happier within my own skin. Being accountable for my weight loss made it much easier to lose weight.
I wanted to become a consultant because I wanted to help other in their journey of weight loss. After being in the health industry for 25 years, i have always helped people.
I want to help others achieve their weight loss goals, so they feel happy and confident within themselves..

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